The Pathway Foundation emphasize on scaling up the quality and upgraded services to the population who are substance drug users ie opiate users chasing and injecting), alcohol, Solvent abuse involves inhaling the fumes from domestic and industrial products creating a strong intoxication, charas, and ganja, medical drugs, cocaine and mephrodone (MD) etc.
The Pathway Foundation executive members enhance quality and skillful experience of coordination, counseling, and outreach from several years in the same field, being following the path and abstinence – where they set a trendsetting example and Role model for those who are in crisis of SUD.
The Pathway Foundation in Mumbai is committed to offering the best professional services and a caring atmosphere for bringing a lasting recovery in the Persons suffering from Substance use disorders.

A survey indicates that 7.5 crores Indians are drug users and dependant on substance drugs, whereas the population of substance drug users in Mumbai have reached up the mark of 50,000.
The number is going up significantly spreading to semi-urban and backward areas. Substance abuse is becoming an area of concern as this is increasing by traditional, mooring, social taboos, the emphasis on self-restraint, and pervasive control.
Although the need is unending through the experience and field intervention by executive members it was observed:
First, drug abuse is prevalent in all the communities of the area of Metropolitan city of Mumbai.
Second, drug use is established in adolescence or early adulthood and it is costly and difficult to change once established. The prevention of substance use would also subsequently eliminate drug injecting and related deaths and HIV infections.
Third, substance drug abuse had a severe impact on physical health and psychological behavior.
Fourth, community intervention has proven effective for health problems such as smoking and chasing drugs.
Fifth the adaption of a recovery program that helps individuals to be self-dependent & to gain their dignity with a sober life pattern.
Sixth, with the help of reintegration the individual could be re-joining society as a productive member.
Finally, a strong social network and health infrastructure existed in these communities that could facilitate the development of a community-based intervention program.
Treatment Modalities & Services
Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, is a patterned use of a substance (drug) in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods neither approved nor supervised by medical professionals.
Substance abuse/drug abuse is not limited to mood-altering or psycho-active drugs. If an activity is performed using the objects against the rules and policies of the matter (as in steroids for performance enhancement in sports), it is also called substance abuse.
Therefore, mood-altering and psychoactive substances are not the only types of drug abuse. Using illicit drugs? Narcotics, stimulants, depressants (sedatives), hallucinogens, cannabis, even glues, and paints, are also considered to be classified as drug/substance abuse.
During the initial stage of recovery, users are often victims of physical illness.it also lacks better hygiene and a healthy diet pattern.
A wide range of psychological interventions is equally important in substance abuse treatment. Motivational therapy,
Drug detox is a process of allowing the body to rid itself of a drug whilst managing the symptoms of withdrawal.
Long-term use of substance abuse and after that help of treatment benefited to person’s sober life. The pathway foundation
To emphasize all the issue from the root level and form a community which will coordinate a prevention system that assists communities to assess substance abuse need and select and implement appropriate effective and scientifically defensible substance abuse prevention policies and programs.
Creating harmony of substance users in their physical and mental health following the path of sobriety and abstinence.
To maintain and develop a range of high-quality low threshold services which support our substance user of the community to access integrated pathway and achieve their goal. To develop appropriate partnerships in order to advance our strategic objective. To create a service response that will address the unmet services user needs.
- Reintegration of substance drug user
- To help substance drug users to bridge relationships with self, family and re-joins society as productive members.
- Effect changes in personal values and interpersonal behaviour.
- Enhance coordination and collaboration of agencies and resources that administer the drug, alcohol, and other drugs.

- 1) To increase the accessibility and quality of treatment by advocating for cooperation, coordination, integration and enhancement of addiction and related mental health service.
- 2) To reintegrate substance users according to skill aspects such as health, employment, family intervention, self-confidence, and self-esteem.
- 3) To educate medical and psychological co-morbidities.
- 4) To develop the capacity of organization at all levels to enable the quality delivery of the strategy.
- 5) Facilitate the creation of community planning process team that accurately reflects and comprehensively address the community needs.
- 6) Capacity building of community organization in order to identify needs, develop strategies to address the needs, and secure the funding and other resources to achieve the desired outcome.
- 7) To improve the pillars of medical, psychological, reintegration and shelter for community and avail them all the services”
Get In Touch

Dr. Rueeta Athalye
M. B. B. S. M. D. (Psychiatry)MBBS from K.J. Somaiya Medical College & Research Centre, Mumbai in 2004 MD PSYCHIATRY from Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital- Mumbai in 2009, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) Diploma in Hospital Administration, from Indian Institute of Management & Technology, Chennai in 2002

Prajakta Jagtap
Clinical PsychologistPrajakta Jagtap is a clinical psychologist. She is practicing psychometric testing and psychotherapy for more than 5 years. She emphasizes on non-judgmental, safe, empathetic, and collaborative space for an individual and group.

Dr. Manish Shukla
Director, Psychologist , ICAP,International Certified trainer for Substance use disorder Addiction Expert counsultant Dr Manish Shukla is a Consultant Psychologist and Therapist experienced for more than 10years+ in treating Substance use disorders and psychological Illness like Depression, Anxiety, and other Personality disorders induced by Substance drug use. He is also experienced in family counseling services and community interventions and awareness. He is a Internationally Certified Addiction Professional, Mindfulness practitioner and Emotional intelligence practitioner, He is also a master Trainer for Harm reduction in SUD from UNODC(United Nations office on Drugs and Crime. He is a Secretary of Association of Rehabilitation Centre, Registered member at CCI (Counseling Council of INDIA), Active Member of Ecolink Alumni (Global level) Association, Registered Member of International Society for Substance Use Professionals, GCCC( Global centre for Credentialing and Certification, DAP(Drug Advisory Programme).

Dr. Priyanka Tiwari
CO-FounderDr. Priyanka Tiwari is a researcher in the field of toxicology and is constantly working on how toxicants affect psychological health. She believes in everything psychological is biological.